Babcock University on-site mid-semester exam for batch B returning students
This is to inform all lecturers and returning students that the mid-semester examination for ALL BATCH B RETURNING STUDENTS will be held on-site after their resumption.
This is to avert hitches attributable to network failure, power failure, data failure and other challenges associated with on-line examinations.
In view of this, please note that:
1.The date for this mid-semester examination for the batch B returning students will be April 7 – 9, 2021.
2.Graduating students’ week is now rescheduled to take place from April 18 – 21, 2021.
3.ALL students are required to complete their registration and print out their course forms before the mid-semester examination. You will only be allowed into the examination halls with your course form.
Note that all other academic activities as voted by Senate on the calendar still stands.
Joshua Suleiman, PhD
Director of Marketing & Communications
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