OYSCATECH resumption and revised academic calendar
The Board of studies at its meeting on Thursday,24th September 2020 has approved the resumption on ND II and HND II students on Monday 28th September 2020 lectures and other academic activities are to commence immediately
The other categories of students:

ND I and HND I are to resume For normal academic activities on Monday 26th October 2020 for smooth academic activities and the successful completion of the first semester 2019/2020 academic session all staff and students are to note and adhere strictly with revised academic calendar as approves for implementation by the Board of Studies
Thank you
1) 28th September to 7th October,2020: First semester revision week for HNDII and ND II
2) 8th to 9th October 2020: Lecture free for HND II and ND II
3) 7th October 2020: End of registration for HND II and ND II students
4) 12th to 24th October 2020: First-semester Examination for HND II and ND II
5) 26th October to 20th November 2020: Consultation with project supervisor for HND II and ND II students and commencement of e-learning for the second semester
6) 30th October 2020: Release of e-learning notes for HNDII and ND II students
7) 26th October to 4th November 2020: Resumption and revision for HND I and ND I students
8) 5th to 6th November 2020: Lecture free for HND I and ND I students and end of the registration
9) 9th to 21st November 2020: Commencement of the first-semester examination for HND I and ND I students
10) 23rd to 27th November 2020: Release of e-learning notes for HND I and ND I students for the second semester
11) 23rd November to 11th December 2020: Marking grading and processing of results at departmental level
12) 14th to 18 December 2020: Processing and consideration of results at the faculty and DPPPS
13) 21st to 22nd December 2020: Vetting of results
14) 23rd December 2020: Committee of Deans and Directors meeting for consideration of results
15) 14th January 2021:College Board of Studies meeting for consideration of results
16) 23rd November 2020 to 15th January 2021:Resumption/registration and second semester for HND II and ND II students
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