UNIBEN Staff unions to commence warning strike
The National Leadership of Non Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions (NASD) and Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) has directed all members to proceed on a fourteen (14) day warning strike to commence from Monday 5th to Monday 19th October, 2020 to drive home its demand as stated below.
1. Non-payment of arrears of National Minimum Wage

2. Inconsistencies of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) in the payment of salaries to our members.
3. Usurpation of Headship of Non-Teaching units by Academic Staff in clear violation of the condition of service and Establishment procedures.
4. Non-payment of Arrear of Earned Allowances being owed NASD and SSANU members despite various memoranda of understanding, amongst others.
In light of the above members are directed to proceed on Warning Strike starting from Monday 5th, October to 19th October, 2020, as stiff sanction awaits defaulter(s).
Thank you.
Comrade F.A. Edenagbon Secretary, NASU
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