1 | Engineering- Chemical
- Electrical/Electronic
- Mechanical & Mechatronic
- Petroleum & Gas
- Civil & Environmental
| English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and any other Science subject e.g. Biology, Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics and Agric. Science | English Language, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics |
2 | Health Sciences- Medicine & Surgery
- Anatomy
- Nursing
- Physiology
| English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology | English Language, Biology, Physics and Chemistry, |
| English Language, Mathematics Biology, Physics and Chemistry, | English Language, Biology , Chemistry & any one of Physics or Mathematics |
3 | Pharmaceutical Sciences | English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry, | English Language, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry |
4 | Science- Animal and Environmental Biology (AEB)
| English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics | English Language, Biology & any two of Chemistry , Physics or Mathematics |
| English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics | English Language, Biology, Chemistry & any one of Physics or Mathematics |
| English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, | English Language & any three of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics |
- Computer Science
- Maths/Computer/Pure Maths
| English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology | English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry |
- Maths/Statistics
- Statistics
| English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any one of Biology, Geography, Economics. | English Language, Mathematics, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics |
| English Language, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. | English Language, Mathematics, Physics and one of Chemistry or Biology |
- Plant Science and Biotechnology (PSB)
| English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology | English Language, Biology , Chemistry and one other Science subject |
- Pure and Industrial Chemistry (PIC)
| English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology | English Language, Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry |
5 | Agriculture- Agric. Econs. & Extension,
- Animal Science
- Crop & Soil Science
- Fisheries
- Forestry & Wildlife Mgt.
| English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Agric. Science or any one of Physics, Geography or Economics. | English Language, Chemistry, Biology or Agric. Science & any one from Mathematics, Physics, Geography or Economics |
6 | School of Science Laboratory Tech.- Biochemistry/Chemistry Technology
- Biomedical Technology
- Microbiology Technology
- Biology Biotechnology
| English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics | English Language, Biology, Chemistry & any one of Physics or Mathematics |
- Geology and Mining Technology
- Industrial Chemistry/ Petrochemical Technology
- Physics with Electronics Tech.
- Physics with Production Tech.
| English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology | English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry |
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