The registration procedure and process flow for the 2024 JAMB UTME/DE have been officially disclosed. The sale of e-pins for UTME registration will commence on January 8th, 2024, and conclude on February 24th, 2024. Registration itself will begin on January 15th and wrap up on February 26th, 2024. For Direct Entry candidates, the e-PIN vending and registration period starts on February 28th, 2024, and closes on March 28th, 2024.
It is crucial to familiarize yourself with essential information before proceeding with the registration process. Additionally, find a wealth of important details on the official page dedicated to the 2024 JAMB UTME/DE registration. Stay informed and well-prepared for a successful registration experience.
Consequently, JAMB will centrally collect all third-party charges and remit them weekly to the beneficiaries.
There will be three (3) types of E-PINs:
- N7,700 – UTME with Mock-UTME
- N6,200 for each of UTME without Mock and Direct Entry (DE), comprising the following charges:
- UTME/DE JAMB Application Fee: N3,500
- Reading Text (Free for only 2024): Free (QR Code)
- CBT Centre Registration Charge: N700
- CBT Centre Examination Service Charge: N1,500
- Bank Charges: N500
- CBT Mock-UTME Centre Charge: N1,500
Candidates must specify the type of E-PIN required at the point of purchase, as no refunds will be made.
2.0 Registration Periods
Candidates are required to have valid, functional, and accessible personal email addresses before commencing the registration process.
2.1 The registration period for UTME candidates, including those from foreign countries, is from Monday, 15 January 2024, to Monday, 26 February 2024.
2.2 E-PIN vending for UTME begins on Monday, 8 January 2024, and concludes on Saturday, 24 February 2024. Registration closes on Monday, 26 February 2024.
2.3 The sale of 2024 Direct Entry (DE) application documents and E-PIN vending will commence from Wednesday, 28 February 2024, and end by Thursday, 28 March 2024. This process will be exclusively conducted at the Board’s State and Zonal Offices.
3.0 Eligibility Verification
Before initiating the application process, it is crucial for candidates to conduct an eligibility check to ensure they meet the specified requirements. The eligibility checker aids candidates in exploring suitable program options based on their qualifications. To access the e-Brochure/e-Syllabus and obtain a free e-copy of the Reading Text, visit, select Quicklinks, and then IBASS. These resources are also accessible on the Android Mobile App (JAMB IBASS) from the Google Play Store.
4.0 General Entry Requirements
4.1 The general entry requirements for 100 level (Year one) admission into the First Degree, National Diploma (ND), National Innovation Diploma (NID), and Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programs include five (5) O’level credit passes, including English Language. Additionally, credit in Mathematics is mandatory for Law, Science-based, and Social Science Programs.
4.2 Direct Entry Requirements
4.2.1 Apart from a minimum of five (5) O’level credit passes obtained at not more than two sittings, each proposed course of study under Direct Entry requires at least two prescribed subjects at the Principal or Advanced level. Other acceptable qualifications in lieu of A’LEVELs encompass:
- University Degree
- University Diploma/NFLD
- NABTEB-GCE-A’LEVEL (2015-2021)
- Cambridge A’level
- International Baccalaureate (foreign certificates only)
- National Registered Nurse/National Registered Midwife (NRN/NRM)
JAMB requires awarding institutions to directly verify the presented awards before admission can be granted.
4.2.2 At the registration stage, all Direct Entry candidates must furnish the following information:
a) Registration/Matriculation Number of the previous school attended where the qualification was obtained.
b) Subject(s) of qualification.
c) Awarding Institution.
d) Institution actually attended.
4.2.3 Other Essential Direct Entry (DE) Registration and Admission Rules
(a) DE candidates not awaiting results must upload their A’level qualification, O’level results, and DE Registration Template during registration.
(b) Processing of admission for DE candidates will not commence until the claimed results are uploaded and verified by the awarding institutions on the JAMB platform (CAPS MAIL).
(c) DE candidates awaiting A’level results (UMS/UPER/NABTEB) must upload their Admission Letter and Registration Template during registration.
(d) For applicants with Cambridge certificates predating 2018, verification must be directly done through Cambridge. This process, specified by the awarding body, may take up to 28 days. The verification result will then be forwarded to the Board and reflected in the e-Facility profile of the DE candidate.
(e) Statement of results (in lieu of certificate) is acceptable for registration only within 3 years of the date of award.
(f) Upgrade from UTME to DE is permissible only for candidates whose DE results were not released at the point of UTME registration. These candidates must have indicated during registration that they are awaiting A’level results, with the particulars supplied and contained in the uploaded registration template.
Candidates are advised to regularly check their A’level admission status in their e-facility profile, which will indicate the verification status by NIPEDS as “CLEARED” or “NOT CLEARED.” Reasons for non-clearance, such as discrepancies in name, grade, subject, etc., will be explicitly stated.
4.3 Additional Vital Registration Rules
4.3.1 Candidates are strictly prohibited from registering more than once. In the event of any errors during the registration process, candidates should seek correction from the Board. Obtaining a fresh application is not permitted, as duplication of application invalidates all applications.
4.3.2 Registration can only be conducted at JAMB-approved Centres nationwide. Any candidate who registers outside the approved centres does so at their own risk.
4.3.3 Non-candidates, including parents/guardians or any proxy, are strictly NOT allowed to transact any business on any candidate’s profile. Candidates who share their password, profile code, or other security codes with others (parents, friends, tutorial teachers, fraudsters, etc.) are held liable for any alterations made by such persons.
4.4 Order of Choice of Institutions
Every candidate is reminded that their 1st choice institution can be any of the following: College of Education, University, Innovation Enterprise Institution, Polytechnic/Manatechnic, Nigerian Defence Academy, or Police Academy.
5.0 Step-by-Step Procedure for the Purchase of 2024 UTME/DE Registration Documents
A. Creation of Profile
- For the registration process, every candidate must use a unique phone (mobile) number (SIM), dedicated to them alone. This number serves as their unique identification for all transactions with the Board.
- Candidates are required to send their National Identification Number (NIN) by text (SMS) to either 55019 or 66019 from their personal GSM number. The message should be in the format “NIN [space] 00123456789” (Note: There must be a space between “NIN” and the 11-digit NIN, and the number must not have been used by another person for UTME/DE registration before). Post-paid or special bundle package lines are not suitable for this purpose.
Important: Verify your data with NIMC to ensure accuracy before creating your profile, as there will be no change of name and date of birth. For the 2024 exercise, changes in data by NIMC will be updated on JAMB records. However, replaced data will be tracked and reflected as a footnote on the candidate’s profile.
- A 10-character Profile Code will be received by the candidate on the same telephone (SIM) number. Returning candidates from previous years will receive the same profile code on the number previously used. The profile remains constant for the candidate for current and future applications with the Board.
- The phone (mobile) number used for the text message is automatically linked to the candidate’s name and will be used for all communication regarding the candidate’s 2024 and future applications, examinations, and admissions. Candidates must remember and always keep track of the SIM number used, as it is crucial for subsequent communication with the Board.
Note: By obtaining UTME application documents, a candidate has accepted to receive text messages from JAMB (55019 or 66019) even when the “Do Not Disturb” (DND) is activated.
- Candidates present the profile code at the point of obtaining the application document (from Banks, MMOs, MFBs, Switches, USSD Partners), and an e-PIN is sent as a text message to the candidate’s phone.
- Candidates then present the Profile code and e-PIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centre for registration.
- The application process includes the capture of the candidate’s biometrics (all ten fingers) and the physical capture of a photograph (no submission of passport photograph). Successful biometrics and photograph capture authorize the candidate to print their e-registration slip. A minimum of two fingers can be used to print the registration slip, and fingerprint verification is required for any further transactions with JAMB on the candidate’s profile.
- Self-Service: Computer-literate candidates can register directly unaided at JAMB offices/PRCs.
Group Registration of Candidates is Not Allowed!
Only candidates with successful biometric verification on the examination day will be permitted to sit for the UTME/DE. No parent or proxy is allowed to transact on the candidate’s profile. Candidates with biometric challenges can only register at JAMB National Headquarters, Abuja, and arrangements should be made through JAMB State Offices. Candidates with biometric challenges will sit the examination in Abuja on the last day of the national examination calendar.
B. Retrieval (In Case of Mistake/Loss) of Profile Code and Self-Service
- To recover a lost Profile Code, send the word [RESEND] as a text message from the same mobile number to 55019 or 66019.
Candidates can reset a lost or forgotten Profile Password on their registered cell phone number by sending the word “PASSWORD” followed by a space and the email address to 55019 or 66019 from the same mobile number as a text message.
C. Ticketing (Free Complaints)
For ALL complaints related to JAMB processes, candidates should create a support ticket at by selecting Quicklinks, then Ticket/Support. They need to provide their email address, name, phone number, nature of the complaint, select a complaint area from a drop-down, and summarize the nature of the complaint. Supporting documents can be attached if available.
Complaints from third parties are merely noted. Writing letters is not necessary. Instead, all complaints should be channeled through the ticketing system for prompt attention and documentation. For NIN-related issues (e.g., no response or wrong data after sending a message to create a profile), candidates can follow the same process on the ticketing platform, click on 2024 NIN-related issues, and select the relevant topic from the drop-down.
D. JAMB e-PIN Selling Points
The e-PIN outlets include:
- Banks
- MMOs (Mobile Money Operators)
- MFBs (Microfinance Banks)
- Other participating financial institutions
E. Duties of Participating Banks/Outlets
- Collection of Profile Code from the candidate’s phone
- Collection of payment and vending of e-PIN by SMS to the candidate’s phone (No dictating or copying)
- Facilitation of Payment through POS, if necessary
- Issuance of Evidence of Payment
- Delivery of e-PIN to candidates electronically (not to be handwritten)
F. Different Modes/Methods of Payment/Purchase of e-PIN for Registration are Banks, Mobile Money Operators, and Financial Switches (Choose Suitable One)
Steps for Payment
(a) Present the Profile Code and pay by cash or ATM card (either N7,700 with Mock or N6,200 without Mock-UTME and DE).
(b) The e-PIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number (Links of participating financial institutions and other interested outlets such as NIPOST, Banks, MMOs, MFBs are available on the Board’s website).
G. Procedure for Registration at the Nine Foreign Centres:
(a) Registration fee for candidates from the nine foreign countries is Thirty United States Dollars ($30) in each of the 9 (nine) countries local currencies
(b) Candidates from the nine foreign countries are to download the application documents from the Board’s website, complete and submit it with the fee (or pay online) at the designated centres in the country as indicated on the website.
(c) The Board conducts registration and UTME in the following cities: Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Beau, Cotonou, Jeddah, Johannesburg, London, or Berlin. The Nigerian Mission (Embassies) in each of the centres can be contacted for guidance on the registration and examination.
H. Donation of Free Application Documents
Any government, individual, or organization interested in distributing free application documents to potential applicants can contact the Board via +2348027641663 or email: for a special offer.
1. How to Recover Lost e-PIN After Payment
i. If the e-PIN is not received or lost, send (UTMEPIN) from the unique number to 55019 or 66019 for UTME respectively.
ii. The e-PIN will then be retrieved and delivered to the candidate’s unique phone number.
After Successful Payment and Obtaining e-PIN, the Candidate Should Proceed to Any of the JAMB-Accredited CBT Centre to Complete Registration.
J. Registration Centres
- Registration is exclusively conducted at accredited Computer-Based Test (CBT) Centres and Professional Registration Centres (PRC).
ii. Each candidate should visit any accredited CBT centre (the list of accredited centres is available on the Board’s website and JAMB offices) with his/her profile code and e-PIN.
iii. Facilities for self-service exist in ALL JAMB State Offices for candidates with proficient digital skills.
K. Concluding the Registration Process at CBT Centres:
A candidate must PERSONALLY present his/her Profile Code and e-PIN at any JAMB-accredited CBT Centre for registration. The centre will capture the candidate’s photograph and biometrics (all ten fingerprints).
Candidates should note:
- Centre and bank charges of N2,700/N4,200 respectively have been included in the total fee paid for the pin, which JAMB remits to the centres. Therefore, no other fee should be paid at the centre.
ii. Provide choices of institutions and programs (course of study).
iii. Provide a valid and functional personal email address that the candidate can always access.
iv. Provide qualifications with grades and dates. If not awaiting results, upload relevant certificates. If no result is being awaited, indicate it online on the JAMB portal.
vi. Provide O/L and/or A/L grades. Candidates awaiting results should upload the results online on the JAMB portal as soon as they are available. No recommendations from any institution will be considered by JAMB if the candidate does not upload his/her result on the portal. No institution is allowed to take a new picture/photograph, biometrics, or require any other upload of results. All results are downloadable by institutions from the Board’s website (and the download is tracked to avoid abuse).
vii. Provide UTME subjects and choice of examination town(s) for the optional Mock examination and Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) (actual examination).
viii. Review entries and confirm correctness.
ix. Print Registration Slip USING BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION to confirm valid fingerprint (UTME/DE). Note that authentication with your fingerprint removes blames of error from CBT centres. Candidates are to check before confirming with their fingerprint.
To ensure inclusivity, the following categories of candidates are to indicate their disability for special attention.
M. Blind Candidates
Candidates who are blind should indicate their status by typing BLIND and choose the preferred examination mode, which could be through Braille, Recorded, or Read Aloud. Each blind candidate should select the designated town closest to their residence for the examination.
N. Deaf/Mute Candidates
A special indicator has been created for deaf/mute candidates to identify them for special attention during the examination. Deaf candidates are required to confirm this appropriately during registration.
O. Others
Candidates with Albinism, Down Syndrome, Autism, Dyslexia, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) should indicate their condition by clicking on the appropriate box. This will help identify and assign them to the JAMB Equal Opportunity Group (JEOG) for special attention.
P. Biometric Challenges
i. Candidates with biometric challenges can only register at JAMB National Headquarters in Abuja.
ii. No other CBT centre is permitted to register such candidates.
iii. They will also sit their examination at JAMB National Headquarters in Abuja.
iv. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall or sit the examination if their biometrics are not verified.
v. The system will not permit or process any examination without biometric verification.
vi. Candidates with biometric abnormality can only register and take the examination at the Abuja Headquarters of the Board. The Board will facilitate their travels.
vii. Candidates with biometric challenges would sit the examination in Abuja on the last day of the national examination calendar.
6.0 Aptitude Test for DE Candidates
6.1 The Board has introduced an Aptitude Test for DE candidates starting from the 2024 Admission Year. The dates of the Aptitude test will be communicated.
6.2 The venue of the test will be at ANY centre in the candidate’s chosen examination town.
7.0 Dates and Venue for the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination
7.1 The 2024 UTME will commence on Friday, 19 April 2024, and end on Monday, 29 April 2024, including all nine foreign centres. Candidates are advised to download the 2024 JAMB CBT software or the 2024 JAMB CBT Mobile App to familiarize themselves with the CBT environment and cover JAMB Past questions. For additional support and interaction, candidates can join the Myschool WhatsApp group where JAMB 2024 candidates or prospective students of a particular school can ask questions, share concerns, and get instant answers.
7.2 The venue of the examination will be at ANY centre in the candidate’s chosen examination town.
8.0 Registration Fee/Procurement of Registration E-PINs
8.1 For the 2024 UTME/DE, candidates are obligated to pay either a total of six thousand, two hundred naira (N6,200) only if they choose not to sit the optional Mock-UTME. For candidates intending to sit the Mock-UTME, the required payment is seven thousand, seven hundred naira (N7,700) only. The application fee for candidates from the nine foreign centres is $30.
8.2 Purchased e-PINs are specific to individual profiles and are non-transferable.
8.3 Candidates are urged to maintain the confidentiality of their security details, including registration numbers, passwords/ATM card numbers, email addresses, and e-PINs. No center is permitted to request or accept a candidate’s password.
9.0 Optional Mock-UTME
9.1 The Board will conduct a Mock-UTME in all accredited CBT centers to prepare and familiarize INTERESTED candidates with the CBT environment. Candidates interested in the Mock-UTME are advised to indicate their interest during the early registration phase.
9.2 The mock examination is scheduled for Thursday, 7th March 2024.
10.0 General Information
10.1 All candidates must register their profiles through text messages before proceeding to purchase the e-PIN, following the illustrated process above.
10.2 The registration fee is non-refundable.
10.3 Candidates are advised to carefully read and understand the admission guidelines and instructions provided in the scan QR Code on how to complete the online registration before commencing the registration process. Candidates are also required to sign an MOU on ethical standards.
10.4 Multiple registrations are strictly prohibited. Candidates who register more than once will be identified, disqualified, and prosecuted.
10.5 Regardless of their chosen program, candidates will be tested on a general text, “The Life Changer” by Khadija Abubakar Jall. All candidates are expected to read this text, now available as a free e-Book.
10.6 Due to economic realities, the Board will issue a free e-copy of the reading text to candidates for 2024 through approved channels such as the JAMB website, candidate’s email, candidate’s profile, QR code on the registration slip, and QR code on newspaper advertisements.
10.7 Candidates/Officials are prohibited from entering the examination center with earphones, wristwatches, mobile phones, electronic devices, or any pen/biro. Only pencils are allowed.
10.8 The Board does not authorize the services of ANY cybercafé, school, or establishment other than its accredited CBT centers for this exercise.
10.9 Examination malpractice is a criminal offense that attracts, in addition to result cancellation, the publication of names and prosecution of offenders.
11.0 Procedure for Valid Admission
11.1 All admissions offered by institutions MUST be from the JAMB website. Any admission offer from any tertiary institution without a JAMB Admission letter is illegal and null and void. Candidates accepting admission outside CAPS do so at their own risk, as the Board will not recognize or regularize such admissions.
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