The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination syllabus in Computer Studies is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. The objectives of the syllabus are designed to test candidates’ understanding, knowledge, and acquisition of:
1. Evolution of Computing Systems
2. Basic concepts of computer and its operations
3. Problem-solving skills, data processing, and practical skills in Computing
4. System software and Application Software.
5. Operations of Basic computer hardware — Input, Output, Memory and Central Processing Unit
6. Application of Online resources and Online skills
7. Ethics and human issues in computing
8. Career Prospects in Computing
The syllabus is divided into nine sections as given below:
A. Evolution of Computing
B. Fundamentals of Computing
C. Computer Application Packages
D. Managing Computer Files
E. Computer Maintenance and Safety Measures
F. Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
G. Developing Problem-Solving Skills
H. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics
I. Computer Ethics and Human Issues
a. Pre-Computing Age – 19th-century; Features and components of early computing devices
b. Computing Devices – 20th Century
c. The history behind each device
Candidates should be able to:
i. Identify the various computing devices since the beginning of counting/computing
– Abacus
– Slide Rule
– Napier’s Bones
– Pascal Calculator
– Leibnitz Multiplier
– Jacquard Loom
– Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine
– Hollerith Census machine and
– Burrough’s machine.
ii. Discuss the contributions and uses of each of the founders of these devices:
– Desktop Personal Computers, etc
2. Classification of computing devices
a. By Generation
b. By Size
c. By Purpose
d. By type
Candidates should be able to:
i. Relate each generation with its characteristic feature.
– First, Second, Third, Fourth to the current generation.
ii. Describe each generation under the following:
– Year of Development
– Basic components/Type of Technology
– Speed of operation
– Storage Capacity/Component
iii. Explain the differences in the classification of computing systems by size (micro, mini, mainframe, and super)
iv. Differentiate among the various types of modern computer systems in respect of sizes and basic components, data and usage
– Personal Computers
– Desktops
– Laptops
– Tablets
– Hand-held
– Servers
– Workstations
– Mainframes
– Wearable
– Supercomputers
– Digital
– Analog
– Hybrid
– Special purpose
– General-purpose. etc
v. State the importance and use of these computing systems
Section B: Fundamentals of Computing
- Overview of Computing Systems
a. Two Mathematical Constituents of a Computer (Hardware and Software) b. Characteristics of Computers c. Types, Examples, and Uses of Computer Hardware d. Logic Circuits e. Types, Examples, and Uses of Software
Candidates should be able to:
i. Define a computer system in relation to its nature and programmability. ii. List the functional parts of computer systems. iii. Explain the characteristics of computers (Electronic, Accuracy, Speed, Interactive, Reliability, Consistency, Large Storage, etc.). iv. Identify the differences between hardware and software.
Candidates should be able to:
i. Define and provide examples of hardware devices. ii. List components of computer hardware, their functions, and different types – Central Processing Unit, Peripherals (Input and Output devices), and Storage Media. iii. Explain the differences between input and output devices. iv. Explain the functions of major input devices and provide examples of the major input devices (keyboards, mouse, scanner, joystick, light pen, voice, digital camera, etc.). v. Explain the classification of keys on the keyboard (function, numeric, alphabetic, cursors). vi. Explain the features, functions, and operations of the mouse. vii. Explain the differences among the keyboard, mouse, light pen, scanner, digital camera, and output devices. viii. Define and provide examples of output devices (monitor, printer, speaker, plotters). ix. List the different types, features, and uses of each output device above. x. Explain the similarities and differences among inkjet, laser, and line printers. xi. List the components of the CPU — Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU), and Registers. xii. Explain the functions of ALU, CU, and Registers. xiii. Distinguish between Primary and Secondary Memory (Storage) units. xiv. List the components of the Primary Memory Unit (Random Access Memory (RAM), Read-Only Memory (ROM)). xv. Explain the uses and differences between RAM and ROM. xvi. Explain the functions of secondary (auxiliary) storages. xvii. List different types of secondary storage. xviii. Give examples of secondary storages (Floppy disks, magnetic tape, hard disks, compact disk (CD), Digital Video Disk (DVD), USB, etc.). xix. Conduct a comparative analysis of auxiliary storage devices in respect of size, speed, cost, and technology (access mode, component, etc.). xx. List different units by which storage is measured and their relationships – bits, bytes, nibbles, words, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, etc. xxi. Relate the relationships between Micro, Mega, Giga, and Tera bytes.
Candidates should demonstrate the following abilities:
4. Data and Information
a. Differences between Data and Information b. Data representation c. Methods of Digitization
Candidates should be able to:
i. Define data and information ii. List properties of information
Candidates should be able to:
i. List different types of data types (integers, real numbers, strings, multimedia – image, audiovisual, signal, etc.) ii. Identify ways of representing and handling data, specifically number bases with special reference to binary, decimal, hexadecimal, etc.
Candidates should be able to:
i. Define digitization ii. Explain the process of digitalization (manual, heads-up, interactive tracing, automatic) iii. List different formats of digitized data (image, audio, video, motion, text, multimedia, etc.)
SECTION C: Computer Application Packages
- Word Processing Package
Candidates should be able to:
i. Define word processing and its applications ii. Identify the features and functions of a word processing package iii. List common word processing packages (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs, LibreOffice Writer) iv. Perform basic operations in a word processing package (creating, editing, formatting, saving, and printing documents) v. Apply advanced features in a word processing package (styles, templates, mail merge, etc.)
Candidates should be able to:
i. Differentiate between character formatting and paragraph formatting ii. Apply various formatting options such as font styles, sizes, colors, alignment, and indentation iii. Insert and format tables, images, and other objects in a document iv. Use spelling and grammar checking tools effectively v. Employ collaboration features, such as track changes and comments, in a word processing package
Candidates should be able to:
i. Demonstrate knowledge of document organization and layout ii. Create and manage headers, footers, and page numbering iii. Utilize page setup options for margins, orientation, and page size iv. Understand and implement document security measures, including password protection v. Save and export documents in different formats (e.g., PDF, RTF, HTML)
This section provides a detailed outline for candidates to grasp essential concepts in word processing, covering both fundamental and advanced functionalities.
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